Friday, September 10, 2010

Chicken Wings

An update is due.

The chicks have been home for a week now. As it turned out, we only got 50 chicks - we're missing the "exotic" chick that was supposed to be free with our order. In reality, we're down to 48 birds. One was lost to a tragic accident involving one of the gallon waterers; the other to the course of nature - he was just too weak.

Even with these minor setbacks, it's been great having the little peepers around. We've adjusted some things to make them happier and more comfortable, and they've been thriving. Their wing feathers are making an appearance (they're just learning how to flap them), and a few tail feathers have begun sprouting on a few of the birds.

Some wisdom we've acquired this week:
  • Place the waterers on a small wooden slab, resting on top of the bedding. The chicks were kicking enough shavings into the water that it was basically impossible for them to drink. All it took was some scrap wood to raise up the water source a bit, and it's been more manageable.
  • Don't put the feeders along the back of the brooding box if you can't walk around it. Instead, keep one edge near the front of the box so that it's easy to reach in and fill them up.
  • Always remind yourself that these little guys are food for the winter. It would be easy to get attached to them at this point. They really are adorable, and very entertaining.
We're excited about the prospect of having laying hens next spring. We've been tossing the occasional grasshopper into the brooding box, and the ensuing action is hilarious. They all rush the bug, and tear it apart. Then, they run around the box with their little piece, while the others all try to steal it. Our garden will have fantastic protection next year.

This weekend, we'll be cleaning the box out, putting down fresh shavings. The big project will be erecting a fence out of an old dog run and sections of a pig fence, and then running chicken wire around the bottom.

Pictures to follow.

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