Monday, September 13, 2010

Growing Up

The coop and pen (to the right of the canoe).

In their new digs (10 days old)

Mama and one of her baby boys.

Out in their play yard (Al is jealous that his little brothers stole his pool - 2 days old)
Me and all my chicks (1 day old). They've grown out of this box.


The pictures are in reverse chronological order, but you get the idea. They're growing up so fast.

Over the weekend, we got the fence up, and almost chicken proof (still need to run a roll of chicken wire along the south side of the yard, and patch the gate). The boys moved from their first brooding box into an area that runs the width of the coop. They've graduated from liter waterers to a 5 gallon waterer. They seem to like running in and out of the holes in the cinder blocks. We're even starting to see their wattles. It's getting fun. We're probably two weeks away from letting them roam.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katey and Dave, I saw your comment at Cold Antler Farm Blog and thought I'd check you out.
    We live in central South Dakota on 22 acres. In the summer we garden big time and can and sell our own pickles! Winters are long and hard, I'll be doing a lot of blogging! So sorry about your place being sold, that's rough! I hope all is well! Visit our blog, I would love to hear more about your story, hope you haven't given up the dream!!
